It is a needle of plasma rich in platelets that is withdrawn from the patient by taking a sample of blood and separating its components and then injecting platelets into the scalp. Plasma injection is considered one of the best proven treatments for hair loss problems, as it has proven to be very effective in many cases suffering from hair loss. Or weak hair.
The plasma needles stimulate blood circulation and stimulate collagen material in the scalp, and it also helps to strengthen the follicles and prolong their life, in addition to being an effective treatment for hair loss, dandruff and increased hair density.
Who are the people eligible for hair plasma injection ?
* The diameter of the head of the ambassador device is very small, and this helps to open the largest number of channels in a specific area, such as 1 cm, with a slightly larger number sometimes than the metal channel opening device that is used in the extraction technique
* Rapid recovery of the scalp after the operation, because the Ambassador stone does not affect the tissues in the scalp
* Cultivation of a large number of grafts, up to more than 6000 grafts per session
* Sapphire stone is anti-bacterial
* Get great results and high intensity
Less loss of damaged follicles.
What are the pre-injection procedures ?
First, some necessary medical examinations are conducted to ensure the patient’s safety
Second: The number of sessions a person needs is determined by presenting it to the specialist doctor, which is usually between 3-6 sessions
Third, sessions are started, which are approximately one session every month.
How long does a plasma session take ?
It takes about 15 minutes for the person to finish injecting the plasma needle into the hair. This is the total time the patient spends in the hospital, divided between drawing blood to isolating blood components to plasma injection.
What are the benefits of plasma injection :
* Platelet-rich plasma is an effective treatment to prevent hair loss
* It stimulates the follicles to produce the largest number of hair
* Fill in the spaces of the scalp
* Works to extend the life span of the hair
* Eliminate hair loss problems.
How is plasma injection performed :
The plasma box contains blood drawing tools, a tube to isolate the blood from the plasma, and another tube that contains calcium and biotin.
9 cm of blood is drawn and placed in the first tube that contains anti-clotting materials, then the tube is placed in a centrifuge at a speed of 4000 rotation for 5 minutes to separate blood components, where the yellow platelets float at the top of the tube and are withdrawn by the 5 cm syringe .
Then the plasma is placed in the second tube that contains the biotin, and the last step is to inject the needle into the scalp and distribute it over the entire head.