Due to aging, in addition to several other reasons, the skin loses its properties, and the muscle tissue loses its elasticity and therefore the facial muscles begin to relax, which causes great sagging in the face and neck area, as well as wrinkles begin to appear in addition to some other spots, and from here many, especially women, have resorted to face-lift operations. And neck to reclaim their youth and have a younger, more youthful and lustrous face.
How long does a face-lift operation take ?
The time that the patient needs in the operating room varies according to the type of intervention required and whether this includes the neck or not, as well as cutting the eyelids or not, but on average it takes about 3 hours and it can be less or more depending on the condition of each patient and this is what the specialist determines when diagnosing the patient’s condition in advance. .
ماهي طريقة التخدير في عملية شد الوجه؟
بسبب أهمية الوجه وخطورة اجراء العمليات الجراحية عليه والذي يتطلب تركيزا كبيرا وخبرة عالية في التعامل معه، فان العملية تحدث تحت التخدير الكامل لكي يتسنى للدكتور العمل بكل دقة وراحة.
Who are the people eligible to perform a face lift?
* People who have sagging in the face or neck area
* People over the age of 40 who are in good health, but want to regain their youth and luster
* Skin aging and the appearance of lines and wrinkles
* When losing the fatty tissue that is between the skin and the muscles.
How is a face and neck lift performed?
Facelift is a surgical procedure based on eliminating wrinkles in the face area, in which the doctor removes fat from the neck area, and the stages of the process begin when people want to do this type of procedure and communicate with our medical consultants who present their cases and pictures to the specialist doctor to determine The type of appropriate procedure and their suitability for doing this process, as well as answering all their questions and inquiries.
When the patient comes to the hospital, a meeting is arranged with the specialist doctor with the translator to inform the patient about all the details of the operation, and after that the day of the operation is determined and all medical examinations are performed in the hospital to ensure the patient’s safety and readiness to perform this operation.
After the anesthesia stage, the doctor begins the operation, which is by making incisions around the ear, and the excess skin is pulled and cut, as well as opening an incision from the front line at the front of the hair, where the doctor works to tighten the skin and tighten the muscles under the skin and remove the excess fat if there is such as its positioning at the neck Finally, the doctor closes the incisions that he opened.
After the operation, the patient needs to rest for a day in the hospital and then leave the hospital, and the patient is given some treatments, tips and instructions that he must follow after the operation to ensure that he gets the best results.